Preschool children and toddlers:  Time for Toddlers

FACT with Toddler Groups

Working together to stimulate
children’s moral & spiritual development

Presentations for pre-school children

Stimulate moral development and spiritual awareness in a gentle and safe environment

presentation themes

Presentation themes

* Thank you - Harvest
* Love - Jesus and children
* Helping Hands - Bartimaeus
* Easter Story
* WOW! - Creation
* Sharing - Feeding the 5000

Multi sensory approach

Multi sensory approach

FACT presentations for pre-school children use Christian stories, songs, puppets and multi-sensory approaches to stimulate moral and spiritual thinking in a gentle and safe environment. 

22 years experience

Over 25 years experience

Simon has over 25 years
experience of presenting
stories, songs and using
puppets with children aged
0 to 12 in schools, pre-schools, churches and toddler groups.


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FACT, Ashford Baptist Church Church Road, Ashford
TW15 2TT


Phone: 07733360009

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