Faith Awareness in Children Trust

Aiding households with children
encounter Jesus and grow in their faith together


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What is it like being a Trustee?

Click on the image to watch a short video in which you can hear our current Chair of Trustees share a little of her experience and story.

Then get in touch to chat further!

Welcome to FACT - from Simon Shutt, Director

FACT has a long established work and ministry amongst children. Its passion is best summed up in its mission statement:

"FACT aims to be cutting edge in children’s ministry, enabling children to explore the Christian faith and Jesus Christ with opportunities to reflect on them in a way that is relevant to their age and development."

As society changes so we adapt what we do, where we do it and how we do it, yet the core Christian message still holds true. In an age that sees constant movement and sensory input we need to find ways to pause and allow children and households to reflect and discover what they believe in safe environments.

FACT has done this for over a quarter of a century and we have more to do, so get in touch if you would like our help.

Simon Shutt:   Faith Awareness in Children

FACT, Ashford Baptist Church Church Road, Ashford
TW15 2TT 


Phone: 07733360009 

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UK Registered Charity No: 1055843
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